YouWill Increase Your Monthly Revenue.
We Guarantee It.
Increase Booking Capacity
Scavenger Tech provides immediate capacity increases and doesn't require complex build outs, long construction times or expensive monthly leases.
Industry Leading Repeat Business
Combined digital and physical technologies that create subscription opportunities, loyalty clubs, monthly challenge clubs and much much more.
How It Works
Scavenger Tech supplies businesses like yours with licensed access to our Patented Adventure Boxes and software tools that provide engaging local adventures or scavenger hunts. Each box adds the booking capacity equivalence of a tradition escape room, but for a fraction of the cost.
Not only do our boxes add immediate additional capacity, they open multiple new verticals including local business partnerships, historical tours, monthly subscriptions and more.
Getting Started is Easy
Book A Call
Book an intro call and get fitted for the service package the best fits YOUR business.
How Large Is Your Market?
What Are Your Current Pain Points?
What Results Can You Expect?
Start Your Account
Once you start your account we will ship out your hardware and get you rolling on your new Scavenger Tech Dashboard
Build Your First Puzzle
Starting from one of our templates gets you up and running quickly! Or, create one from scratch and start booking clients!
Start Booking Clients
Once your puzzle and clues are ready for prime time you are ready to start selling!
Powerful Support
Our team of engineers and designers have create a suite of tools that make onboarding your business a snap.
Live Zoom Coaching
Quick Start Guides
Easy to Use Templates
Online Documentation and Guides
Tools For Any Budget
Big or Small, our tools scale with your business. We offer flexible pricing and services that are designed to help you succeed.
Flexible Capacity
Custom Client Dashboard
Live Updating Leaderboards
Hosted Clue Services